Introducing you to UlluPorn.Com, where you can earn money by uploading amateur porn clips! With this method, you can earn up to $33 for every 10,000 video views.
Here is how to upload a video to our site and also earn:
First, create an account on the Doodstream video hosting platform, where they will pay you up to $33 for every 10,000 views from tier 1 countries. You can use the link below to create an account for free and get unlimited storage for uploading your videos.
Join from here –
Doodstream’s earning rates for videos =
Once you have created an account, you can use the ‘video’ page in your profile to upload new videos or the ‘remote upload’ page to upload videos from a third-party link. After uploading a video, you can get its embed code by clicking the filename of the video. This will open a new page showing you the embed code. Copy the embed code and paste it into the video submission page of our site (you must first create an account on Then add a title, description, thumbnail, and tags, and choose the category for your video.
After sharing the video, you can monitor the video views and earnings in your Doodstream dashboard
Note: No child porn or produced porn clips allowed